Our default bid increments

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in Auction How-To’sBidding FAQ’s

Understanding Our Default Bid Increments

The intensity of an auction can vary based on the current bid amount. To facilitate smooth bidding, our platform uses default bid increments that escalate as the bid value rises. This strategy ensures that bidding remains dynamic and competitive, especially for high-value items.

Here’s a breakdown of our default bid increments:

Current Bid Range Increment Amount
$1.00 – $10.00 $3.00
$11.00 – $50.00 $5.00
$51.00 – $100.00 $10.00
$101.00 – $500.00 $25.00
$501.00 – $1,000.00 $50.00
$1,001.00 – $5,000.00 $100.00
$5,001.00 – $10,000.00 $250.00
$10,001.00 and above $500.00

It’s always essential to be aware of these increments when planning your bids. They guide the progression of the auction and influence your bidding strategy. Happy bidding!