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How to Turn Off Test Mode

How to Turn Off Test Mode

Once you have finished setting up your auction, make sure to turn off TEST MODE before you launch or promote it.

To disable the test mode, locate the option at the top-right corner of the page. Simply toggle the button to switch it off.

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Here are the key points to note about the test mode for your auction set-up: 


  • While in test mode, you can freely place fake bids and test invoices to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  • Once you turn off the test mode, there is no option to revert back. 

  • Any test bids and invoices created during the test mode will be removed.

  • Once the test mode is disabled, you will be ready to accept live bids as scheduled, based on the auction start date.

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Thank you for choosing CharityAuctionsToday to power your fundraising initiatives. Together, we can create positive change and support meaningful causes. Happy fundraising!

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