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How to update the auction link?

How to Customize Your Auction Link

Once the auction is created, you’ll have a link to your auction that you can send to your bidders and use to promote your auction online.

Here’s how to customize your auction link to create a more recognizable URL  for your bidders.

From the "Home" page, type in your Custom URL

ur2Xe3SJyAosQFpOdNLOR79fTQJd9r35QA9FrJEkgbYKBv9FnYcRQfrjvpKREMQXgUZuRv2BqJUTK8So1XebEblwpTbSG2quFkTySxnXrLTMzK4QIbGjihujWlLkW9pWotJtZKtTsPBE6j s3efRYsA

Note: Once you customize your URL from the Home page, it will also be updated in the Event Settings tab.

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