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How To Navigate Your Auction Admin Homepage on CharityAuctionsToday

How to adjust/control notifications as an admin

Whether it is an email or text message, you can control the notifications you want to receive to conveniently monitor your auction activity.

Step 1) Go to “Event Settings” > “Notifications”

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Step 2) Toggle on and off your preferred notifications.

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If you encounter any issues during the transition or have questions about the new features, our support team is just a click away.

📌 Stay Connected: Follow us on social media @CharityAuctionsToday for the latest updates, fundraising strategies, and success stories. Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to our support team at support@charityauctionstoday.com. Thank you for choosing CharityAuctionsToday to power your fundraising initiatives. Together, we can create positive change and support meaningful causes. Happy fundraising!

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