Juror's Choice Award *JC - Galloway Wash - Michele Schuck

*JC - Galloway Wash - Michele Schuck

Bidding Supports: Creative connections

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*JUROR'S CHOICE - Laurie Nessel "Galloway Wash" - Original 18" x 22" framed, oil painting by Michele Schuck Michele’s true passion is landscape painting: “The wonder and diversity of the natural world create endless opportunities for a landscape painter. I always strive to capture that moment in time and that particular scene which evoked within me the need to put paint to canvas.” Galloway Wash is a protected property of the Land Trust. Michele has won awards in local and regional art shows.  Her paintings are held by Midwestern University in Glendale AZ and in private collections in AZ, CA, CO, GA, NM, OH, TX and VA. She is an associate member of American Women Artists, a founding member of 10 Fine Art, and a member of the Wickenburg Art Club.  Michele studied at the Scottsdale Artists School with Matt Smith and Linda Glover Gooch and attended additional workshops with Kathryn Stats, Gwen Fox, and Malcolm Blazer.  For more complete documentation and biographical information, go to: https://www.dflt.org/art-for-lands-sake. Click on the image of "Galloway Wash" and then click "go to link."