Apparel Tres Vinhos, a trio of Portuguese wines

Tres Vinhos, a trio of Portuguese wines

Bidding Supports: Freeport/clarksburg festa

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Catalog #: #2 gift package - Save the hall
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Item Price $250.00
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Catalog #: #2 gift package - Save the hall
Number of bids: 6 Bids
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Silva's Tres Vinhos (Three Wines) gift basket includes; 3 bottles of Portuguese wines red white port 1 lucky rooster apron - one size fits all 2 darling tea towels, one with an important message one lucky Portuguese rooster all nestled neatly in a coveted handcrafted dove tray made with wood from The Portuguese Hall Donated by Ida Kale  * - Please note this item cannot be shipped due to the wine.  Winning bidder must pick up at The Portuguese Hall in Clarksburg on 12/11.