Art Three Vases" by Ukrainian Artist Anatole Krasnyansky

Three Vases" by Ukrainian Artist Anatole Krasnyansky

Bidding Supports: Holy family parish, south pasadena, ca

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Catalog #: AFC 123
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"Three Vases" is the creation of famed Ukrainian artist Anatole Krasnyansky.  Born in 1930 in Kyiv and trained as an architect, he participated in the restoration of the Winter Palace at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg and was the principal architect for the Museum of Historical Treasures in Kyiv. He and his mother fled Kyiv and survived the Holocaust. Later, moving to Los Angeles,  he did scenic designs for Universal including Gilligan's Island.  He pioneered new techniques in watercolor by experimenting with texture. His artistic output centers on dualities: old and new, history and imagination, structure and surrealism.  An infamous encounter with the band "Kiss" revolutionized his art.  Framed:  12" x 12"