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Ink on paper. Original Artwork by Marianna Bernshteyn 12" x 15" framed (9.25" x 7.25" unframed) Frame includes mat and glass. Marianna is a classically-trained fine artist, known for her deft blending of realistic figurative drawings and portraits with whimsical, surprising, and dark-humored surrealism. Simple at first glance, a closer look at the art reveals deeper themes casually wrapped in a layer of sarcasm and humor.  Preferring to work with raw, stripped down materials - mostly ink, graphite, and charcoal - Marianna's work showcases the human body in dynamic poses, in flight or in tension, exemplifying a combination of strength, flexibility, and elegance. Though often depicting a nude figure, the art is never erotic or exploitative. Described as "A collision of two worlds, melding seamlessly on paper and canvas", Marianna's unique perspective is a product of her background and training-- Born in the former Soviet Union, Marianna began formal art classes when she was 3 years old, receiving a strict traditional academic art training of the Soviet-era art school. Arriving in the US on the cusp of adulthood, Marianna experienced a progressive artistic and political awakening that encompassed science fiction, surrealism, and women's rights. Marianna graduated from a prestigious art school in her hometown of Kishinev, Moldova and holds a BA degree in Art from California State University, Los Angeles, where she graduated magna cum laude. An award-winning graphic designer by day, Marianna's fine art offers an opportunity to escape the digital realm and get back to the tactile experience of drawing with traditional materials. Marianna lives and works in Los Angeles, California.