Art SoulPets


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Contemporary drawing by Bibik. Graphite on heavy press paper, 16x12. Bbk Art Collection offers limited edition fine print of original artwork directly from the artist.   Bibik is a Los Angeles based artist, known for his intensity of subject and its characterizations. He signs his works as Bbk. Despite having had no art education, the artist has a unique vision for integrating objects and humans, enabling natural talent to drive the art. His creations transform emotional experiences to a physical matter. Bibik is a perfectionist, who has given a big part of his life to growing professionally in corporate America. Juggling between complex financial analytics and his passion for art, Bibik protests mediocrity using a bold carefully cultivated surrealistic style. He engages his audience in an inside-out-and-back boundless game where senses and feelings become as tangible as one can imagine. Bibik’s physically reshaped thought is outrageous, sharply critical, and sarcastic. Yet, at times, it is soft and melancholic. There is no magic but rather a distinct philosophical journey through the clichés of the rapidly transforming values of generation. Random, often unsettling, thought is at the center of Bibik’s experiments. He ponders on a subject using wit and caricature, evoking profoundly intimate analogies in everyone who enjoys his art. Regardless, whether it is through excitement or drama, Bibik breaks existential boundaries, pushing the limits of expression. Bibik’s debut art collection “Resonating Minds” which includes contemporary paintings and drawings is a true surrealistic scrutiny of perception and scope of meaning. His hallmark signature utilizes astonishing voids or unlikely, random objects integrated with the characters to boldly address the perpetual coexistence of the inner world and external environment. The artist’s confrontationally expressive thick brushwork creates the ability to live the moment, while precise graphite lines highlight the delicacy of the subject.