Art Pharaoh Ramses II - picture

Pharaoh Ramses II - picture

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Value: CAD350.00
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A shadow box with a metal art sculpture picturing a scene from the tomb of the powerful Pharaoh Ramses II. Here he is shown twice, on the left making an offering of oils in jars to the Goddess Hathor & on the right with God Anubis being led into the afterlife.  Ramses II was often referred to as "Ramses the Great'' for his achievements & military success. He ruled Egypt for 66 years, living to the old age of 96 years old.   Donated from Son of the Pharaoh.  Son of the Pharaoh, Purveyor of the Unique, is a family operated business based in Calgary, Alberta.  Since 1991, Son of the Pharaoh has been delighting clientele with treasures from around the world, with a concentration on Egypt.  Boasting the largest collection of Egyptian handicrafts and museum reproductions in Canada, a visit to one of Calgary’s 2 storefronts is certainly a unique experience!