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Catalog #: Montreal A-3
Number of bids: 1 Bids
Value: CAD1,400.00
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FLEUR DE CAMELLIA BLANCHE Un camélia est une fleur parfumée et magnifiquement simple, il symbolise le désir et le raffinement. Un favori de Coco Chanel, la fleur de camélia est l'un des motifs clés de la maison de Chanel apparaissant sur presque tout. Cette grande huile sur toile est étonnante dans sa simplicité perçue, mais regardez de plus près et vous verrez la main habile de l'artiste pour créer une peinture en trois dimensions qui vous invite à la toucher pour voir si elle est réellement réelle. WHITE CAMELLIA FLOWER A camellia is a fragrant and beautifully simple flower, it symbolizes desire and refinement. A favorite of Coco Chanel's,  the camellia flower is one of the House of Chanel's key motifs appearing on almost everything. This large oil-on-canvas is stunning in its perceived simplicity, but look closer and you'll see the artist's deft hand at creating a three-dimensional painting that urges you to touch it to see if it's actually real. NOTE: HELP US RAISE MONEY -- 100% of funds raised will help support SUN YOUTH / JEUNESSE SOLEIL, a renowned and respected community organization that is working tirelessly to get food out to the unemployed, the stressed, the helpless and the sick. Help us make a difference. Please bid on this painting and other auction items, or give a cash donation and share this link on your social media using the hashtag, #charityauction #artforcharity #sunyouth  #jeunesse soleil. Andy Habib’s artwork can be found on BONUS: Prêt à accrocher Certificat d'authenticité signé par l'artiste Artiste: Andy Habib Technique: Huile sur toile Taille: 30 "x 40" x 1 " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONUS: Ready to hang Authenticity certificate signed by artist Artist: Andy Habib Medium: Oil on canvas Size:30" x 40" x 1"