Art Christmas Wine-Themed Ornament Basket

Christmas Wine-Themed Ornament Basket

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Current Bid: $85.00
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Catalog #: 51
Number of bids: 8 Bids
Value: $85.00
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Christmas Happy Hour Ornament Basket Hey wine-fans! We have decorated your Christmas Tree for you this year! This basket has everything you need for a stunning Christmas tree, including 20 glass ornaments collected in Oregon and all over the world. To fill out this lovely basket, you’ve pomegranates, glittering apples and a host of other wine-themed décor to add to your fabulous tree. We’ve also included a string of brand new Phillips LED lights, size C1, 200 count in warm white. Just the right color to add that warm wine-glow to your Holiday. Enjoy! To listen to Malea’s episode on the Marti’s Music Kitchen Podcast, where she cooks up Pest Chicken, with bandmate’s Extreme Chocolate Cake – Click Here!