Unique 5th Grade Yearbook

5th Grade Yearbook

Bidding Supports: Washington yu ying pcs

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Catalog #: 999
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Item Price $50.00
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Available quantities: 954

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Growing nostalgic about your 5th grader's upcoming promotion to middle school? Getting teary-eyed about saying goodbye to Yu Ying after all these years? Be sure to order a copy of the 5th grade yearbook here. The yearbook will have pictures of our kids through all their years at YY, pictures of the teachers and staff, and even some fun bonus images. Please purchase by April 18 so that we can place the order by the printer's deadline! *Note: Your $50 purchase will ensure that every 5th grader can receive a copy. We will also be donating several copies to display in the 5th grade classrooms. Any surplus funds from yearbook sales will be put towards the 5th grade class gift.