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"Springtime in Eden" Sharon Stillwater

"Springtime in Eden" Sharon Stillwater. Original oil over torn paper on canvas. 20" x 30".

Mixed media pieces are created using hand made paper from around the world which I tear and apply to gallery wrap canvas with a liquid acrylic medium. This torn paper, then, forms the background upon which the image is painted in oil. Some pieces also include gold leaf and/or text in gold leaf. Each piece is finished with six coats of archival varnish which contains UV light filters & stabilizers. This protects against surface damage, water dust and chemicals in addition to light. Pieces can be carefully cleaned with a mild soap and water.

I was born on a cold, snowy night Dec. 18, 1942—a volatile mixture of Native American, faded aristocracy, Scottish reclusiveness and French haughtiness. I grew up in far northern Ohio surrounded by flowers, farm and animals, and looked after by sainted, salt of the earth Midwesterners. It was out of this idyllic early childhood, that I developed the strength and courage needed to face the struggles of life and to endure.

I left city life as soon as I could for the deserts and mountains of New Mexico, my soul’s true home. Except for some fairly extensive international travel, I have remained here ever since. What sustains me here, aside from my dear friends, my art and my dogs, is being able to hike daily in the wilderness.

Art has always been in my life, but it started to become more central to it after I retired from my work as a psychotherapist. I had known that art was where Iturned when I needed to express intense feelings and struggles for which I could find no other outlet, but nothing could have surprised me more than to find that what I was doing resonated and was important to others.

It was with great trepidation that I entered the “public” world of art about 15 years ago after much pushing and shoving from friends and other artists. It is for this reason that I term myself the 'accidental artist'. It is not what I set out to do, I simply stumbled upon it and am very grateful that I did.


All rights belonging to the holder of the copyright, including the reproduction rights, shall remain with the Artist.

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In the event transportation of a purchased item is required, arrangements and direct billing will be handled outside the auction venue.

Highest Bid : N/A (0 bids)
Highest Bid By: N/A
Value: $1,950.00
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