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Gift Rapping

Musician and "Wholesome Rapper", Sarah Maddack, creates 30 second personalized raps about people for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions using information they give her about their person. It can be funny, sincere, totally ridiculous, or a mix of all three! Sarah reports, "The reaction videos I get from people are them laughing, crying, and overall feeling extremely special that someone has gone to the effort to write a rap about them."

Example Template of what you'll fill out:

3-5 of their absolute FAVORITE things. Like obsession level. Movies, music, food, clothing items, colors, pets, etc. 

2-3 quirks/mannerisms/catchphrases they have. 

Any funny stories or inside jokes I should definitely include?

What are your favorite things about this person/what are their best qualities? 

I won't necessarily include every single thing you tell me, so let me know if there are things I should include no matter what!

Check out Sarah's work @sarahmaddack on Instagram!

Highest Bid : $100.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 1CC5A6
Value: $250.00
Item Sold

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