Specialty Packages and Gift Baskets Western Fair Market Bag

Western Fair Market Bag

Bidding Supports: Bereaved families of ontario - southwest region

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Catalog #: 3000-006
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Item Price CAD100.00
Shipping Cost CAD0.00
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Current Bid: CAD65.00
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Catalog #: 3000-006
Number of bids: 9 Bids
Value: CAD100.00
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Bid on this Market Bag generously donated by the Western Fair District! Enjoy the delicious jams, coffee beans, and granola; pack all your groceries into the oversized insulated bag; add worm castings to your indoor or outdoor plants – this rich fertilizer is an innovation brought to you from the Western Fair Wormery – The Grove https://www.thegrovewfd.com/the-wormery; or shop The Market at the Western Fair District with market buck vouchers (2 - $25). Have fun and don't let anyone outbid you for this unique prize!