Original Painting Overlook - Rich Orbon

Overlook - Rich Orbon

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Overlook - Framed Original Pastel Painting - Rich Orbon measures 9" x 12" x 1" Before retiring, Rich was an orthopedic surgeon in Phoenix, Arizona.   I was born in New York City and spent much of his youth on the East Coast and Europe.  After living in Massachusetts for most of my career, I moved to the Southwest living in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  At present, I spend part of the year in Arizona and part in Massachusetts.  I enjoy painting on location, en Plein Air using pastel or oil paint. This framed original pastel painting was painted on location at The Jewel of the Creek, a protected land of Desert Foothills Land Trust. You can view more of Rich's work at http://richardorbon.com/