Sculpture Le Contour #2 - Bill "Gullwing" Goren

Le Contour #2 - Bill "Gullwing" Goren

Bidding Supports: Creative connections

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Le Contour #2 - Bill "Gullwing" Goren - Original Bronze and Aluminum Sculpture measures 20" x 12" x 2" and is ready to hang. Bill, known as "Gullwing" creates bronze sculptures based upon the human face, hands, or body. Gullwing is a Mechanical Engineer by training and has studied art for many years. He has melded the hard science of engineering with the flexibility of sculpture. His pieces are one-of-a-kind, never to be duplicated. This bronze sculpture of the female figure is done simply, with only four lines. The 4 bronze cast lines are raised and rest on an aluminum plate which highlights the color of the bronze. Gullwing's exceptional work is always a conversation starter. You can view more of his work at or on Instagram at