Unique Audubon Staff Guided Birding Tour - Cranes' Accent!

Audubon Staff Guided Birding Tour - Cranes' Accent!

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Current Bid: $425.00
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$450.00 or more

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Number of bids: 8 Bids
Value: $200.00
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Join Audobon's Paul Tashjian and Amy Erikson on a on a unique birding opportunity to one of middle Rio Grande's premiere birding destinations, including watching the cranes' accent. This will be a early morning trip and will include burritos! Audubon, RGALT's partner, is one of the leading organizations working to restore and protect the Middle Rio Grande bird habitat. The winner of this auction item will have first-hand opportunity to learn from expert birders in the field. This auction item is for up to 3 guests. Recommended dates are between mid-November to mid-January for crane viewing. The trip will last approximately 4 hours between 6 am - 10 am.