Art The Solid Earth

The Solid Earth

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Catalog #: 748
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Artist: Dorothy Knowles Watercolour, 30" x 22" Dorothy Knowles is without a doubt one of Canada’s most extraordinary landscape artists. Born in 1927, the Saskatoon native studied at the University of Saskatchewan. Her signature style consists of big airy skies, sometimes full of clouds and grasslands in the foreground, showcasing the intimate details of the prairies of the West of Canada. Throughout her career, she has exhibited in established galleries and museums, including the Art Gallery of Ontario, and several touring exhibitions to regional museums across Canada.  The list of major corporate and public collections that hold her works includes the National Gallery of Canada, Art Gallery of Ontario, Musée d’art contemporain of Montreal, Mendel Art Gallery, Edmonton Art Gallery and the Boston Museum. She has also amassed a variety of honors and awards, including being selected for a Canada postage stamp in 1987, being made a member of the Order of Canada in 2004 and receiving the Centennial Medal of Saskatchewan just a year later. As the former director of the Edmonton and Mendel Art Gallery, Terry Fenton, said; “she had grown in a stature as one of the most important Canadian painters since Emily Carr.”