Unique 82nd Airborne bottle opener

82nd Airborne bottle opener

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Catalog #: Shawn -1
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Item Price $40.00
Shipping Cost $7.00
Available quantities: 1

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Current Bid: $35.00
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Catalog #: Shawn -1
Number of bids: 3 Bids Available Quantity: 1
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"This 82nd Airborne bottle opener will look great on your deck.  Imagine opening a frosty cold beverage on a hot summer day with this beautiful and functional piece of art.  Clear lacquer varnish enhances the natural beauty of the wood.   The bold and legendary insignia of the world famous 82nd Airborne Division is laser etched into the wood giving it a rustic and timeless look.  Comes with two weather resistant deck screws for easing mounting wherever cold beverages are served.  Enjoy the envious looks from friends when you proudly display this piece at your next outdoor event."   2 available for bid. $20 min bid.  Purchase immediately for $40.   I can cover shipping, not an issue.