Sports Memorabilia Red Sox Heroes!

Red Sox Heroes!

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Current Bid: $50.00
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Number of bids: 4 Bids
Value: $55.00
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Framed Poster signed by Red Sox Legends George Foster and Luis Tiant. (Size: 16 inches wide by 12 inches high) And Autographed photos of Kevin Millar, Mike Timlin and Jonny Gomes (Size: 4 inches wide by 6 inches high - in plastic sleeves) Items will be displayed at our Annual Golf Tourney on Friday, August 13, 2021 at the Fairways of Halfmoon.  Auction will close at 3pm that day.  Delivery options: Pick up at our offices, or at golf event. Local delivery will be free. If delivery or shipping is required, we will work with purchaser to determine, what if any, additional expense is required.