Jessica Piermatteo, Cabi Independent Stylist, is donating a private styling appointment  which includes an outfit valued up to $250. "Together, we will find a look you'll love from head to toe. Cabi has a wide breadth of appeal and offers sizes XXS-XL, 00-16. Cabi now offers jewelry and shoes to complete your look. At Cabi, we are defying the rules by redefining the way women shop and work.  We offer a solution to the frustration of shopping and difficulty of putting outfits together, that in turn provides an alternative career for women that is liberating and profitable. Together we will find looks you will love, all in the comfort of our alternative store, the home. It's what is making us the world's largest women"s fashion retailer that owns no stores, yet offers in-person styling services. So say goodbye to the frustrations of traditional shopping - sit back, relax and enjoy a new way to shop. We are taking back control, and you won't ever want to go back."  See

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Highest Bid : $85.00 (12 bids)
Highest Bid By: carol123
Catalog #: 83
Value: $250.00
Item Sold

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