Event Tickets A Night of Magic: 2 Tickets to Shakespeare Festival

A Night of Magic: 2 Tickets to Shakespeare Festival

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Imagine a perfect Lake Tahoe sunset, your special someone, and first class live entertainment. That is the magic of Shakespeare Festival. There is nothing quite like dipping your toes in the sand and sipping a glass of wine as world class Elizabethan theater is performed on arguably the worlds most scenic stage. And that is exactly what happens each summer when the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival bring the Bard to life on the shores of Lake Tahoe. This is a must have summer experience.  Come make a fantastic new memory at the The Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival - the way it was meant to be - at the spectacularly scenic Sand Harbor. Every summer, this festival brings award-winning performances to an exceptional setting. When else can you watch amazing live theater on the lake?   Tickets Valid June 30- August 21, 2023.