Gift Certificates The Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm Gift Card

The Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm Gift Card

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Current Bid: $40.00
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$45.00 or more

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Number of bids: 5 Bids
Value: $38.00
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This Gift Card is good for $38 to be used at the Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm. This locally owned and operated winery has over 20 acres of land on Lake Manassas in the Gainesville, Virginia area.  The winery boasts a rustic wine tasting room and an old pub style brewery with large, inviting fireplaces and breathtaking views of Lake Manassas.  Whether you want to read a book and peacefully enjoy a glass of wine, walk the waterfront or enjoy the sunset or host a private event, Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery is the perfect choice for any occasion.