Adult Wine Pull Hybrid Event!

Wine Pull Hybrid Event!

Bidding Supports: Mckinley elementary school

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Catalog #: A-113
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Item Price $40.00
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Catalog #: A-113
Number of bids: 18 Bids Available Quantity: 1
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Hybrid (both virtual and in-person) Want to try your luck at pulling the best bottle of the lot? Wine not?! When you buy a ticket to this hybrid wine pull, you will randomly choose a bottle of wine from a selection of bottles with a range of values up to $200! That's right, everyone is guaranteed to walk away with a fabulous bottle of wine. Which one will be yours? Join us for this two-part event and find out! We will do the wine selection during a short virtual event on Wednesday December 1st (8pm). Then you can join us in-person on Saturday December 4th (4pm-5:30pm) for a little outdoor wine and cheese, and pick up your wine bottle prize! And just in time for the holidays! All guests must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Zoom Wine Pull: Wednesday 12/01/2 at 8pm  Wine Pick-Up: Saturday 12/04/21 4pm-5:30pm