Art & Basket Maestra Barboza's Art: ROBOTS (3 sets)

Maestra Barboza's Art: ROBOTS (3 sets)

Bidding Supports: Mckinley elementary school

This is a Blind Bid item. The top 0 bids win.

$40.00 or more

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Catalog #: AB-124
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4 Bids

Value: Priceless Available Quantity: 0
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TOP THREE BIDDERS WIN! Each of Maestra Barboza's third-graders was asked to draw the most interesting robot they could imagine - and they came up with some incredible inventions! Then, they created scratch foam stamps based on their designs and learned about proportions and mirror images while doing it. We used their drawings and stamps to create a beautiful wrapping paper pattern and handmade ink-stamped cards. We are auctioning three sets of 11 cards (5”x7”) + 11 pieces of wrapping paper (11”x17”, perfect size for wrapping books!). These sets are suitable for all occasions and will surely brighten someone's day! TOP THREE BIDDERS WIN A SET of cards and wrapping paper!